Data analytics is the science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that raw information. Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making. For a long time companies have been analyzing data to drive their decisions making, analytics simply a new buzz word to apply to that.
dbNix Systems have the expertise to use Data analytics in any area, any industry which generates big data. Below are few of the industries, but not limited other industries, where dbNix Systems’ experts can help reap the benefits of data analytics.
- Insurance
- Education
- Business intelligence
- Agriculture
- Healthcare & Research
Data analytics can also be used for predictive analytics, data mining, data visualization, text analytics and statistical analysis.
For more details on how our data analytics experts can help you grow your business and more importantly help you understand your data, get in touch with us by clicking here.